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Oracle Zero DownTime Migration Tool

Millennium IT ESP once again concluded a successful “First in Sri Lanka” Database Migration using the Zero Downtime Migration Tool (ZDM), to port an On-premises Oracle Exadata Database to Oracle Exadata Cloud Services. This mission-critical and only zero downtime-tolerable database was part of one of the largest telecommunication providers in the country, who are on the verge of moving their databases to Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI), with an expectation of deriving the best out of the public cloud offering including scalability, availability, and manageability.

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The Perfect Fit: The CIO-CFO Relationship

A company’s management strives for synergistic value creation yet, working together doesn’t come easy: it requires constant effort and mutual understanding. When considering a Chief Information Officer (CIO) and a Chief Finance Officer (CFO), the former is known to look at an innovative outlook and the latter is expected to look at a realistic one.

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Project management in the COVID-19 era

Today’s enterprises operate in a distributed manner, with assets and workforce scattered across the world. Owing to this, technology deployment and management have changed over the years. Networks have become distributed; applications are hosted on cloud services and the number of remote employees is rapidly increasing.

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Marching Towards Cyber Security Mesh Architecture

Today’s enterprises operate in a distributed manner, with assets and workforce scattered across the world. Owing to this, technology deployment and management have changed over the years. Networks have become distributed; applications are hosted on cloud services and the number of remote employees is rapidly increasing.

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The Zero Trust approach to Cyber Security

Given the higher volume and velocity of cyberattacks owing to an increasingly hybrid workforce, enterprises must always be prepared to protect their data in the event of an attack. The Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity has become one of the most popular means of safeguarding communications and data.

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UEBA - News Image

User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

UEBA, or User Entity Behavior Analytics, is a type of security technology that uses machine learning algorithms to identify unusual or suspicious user behavior within an organization’s network. This can include unusual login activity, unauthorized access to sensitive data and unfamiliar communication patterns.

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